Windham-Ashland-Jewett Central School District
Purchase, NY

Completed the design for $2.5 Million of electrical and communications work at the K-12 building. Design included the following:
Network based security system ​
Data network infrastructure and ethernet equipment
Wireless ethernet network
Virtual field trip room
Multi-media classroom equipment
Schoharie Central School District
Schoharie, NY

Energy Performance Contract (2011) - Construction $3 Million. Services included owner representative and design of all measures
Miscellaneous Reconstruction (2008) - Construction $1.7 Million
Arlington Central School District
Arlington, NY

Photovoltaic System: Design of new 25 kW grid connected photovoltaic system. Construction $200K, project completed in 2011.
Engineered Solutions designed $4 Million of electrical and communications work at the Arlington High School design included:
Data network​
New network operating center
Video conferencing center
interactive whiteboards
Digital television studio
Project was completed in 2010
Wappingers Central School District
Wappingers Falls, NY

Elementary Schools Reconstruction (2009) - Construction $3.7 Million
JJHS & RCKHS Additions & Reconstruction (2008) - Construction $4.2 Million
Rescue Aid, Various Buildings (2006) - Construction $10.2 Million. New water service entrance and multiple sanitary connections.
JJ High School & RCK High School (2003) - Construction $16.0 Million. Science room additions and reconstruction work.
Jr. HS Electric Service Replacement (2001) - Construction $91,000
Moriah Central School District
Moriah, NY

Addition & Reconstruction Project (2008) - Construction $6.9 Million:
Library ​
Fitness Center and gym additions
Replacement of existing ventilation and air conditioning systems, Auditorium reconstruction, sports field lighting, door access and video surveillance.
Mohonasen Central School District
Rotterdam, NY

Project Manager for a district wide project that included:
Gigabit Ethernet upgrades
Voice Over IP
IP Video
Storage area network
Wireless access in the High School and Middle School and Structured Cable Upgrades
Saranac Central School District
Dannemora, NY

District wide project including Wired & Wireless Network and VOIP Telephone System.
Coxsackie-Athens Central School District
Coxsackie, NY

2016 Capital Improvement Project Phases 1 & 2
District Wide Wireless Ethernet Network
Gates-Chili Central School District
Rochester, NY

2013 Technology/Communications Engineering for district wide new VOIP telephone system and additional exterior security cameras
2012 district wide project that included:
Wired and Wireless Ethernet Network ​
Structured Cable Plant
IP CCTV System
Unatego Central School District
Otego, NY

District Wide Wired and Wireless Ethernet Network and VOIP System
Warrensburg Central School District
Warrensburg, NY

District Wide VOIP Telephone system